From initial consultation through to final commissioning Taylor Sound and Video work closely with our customers to provide bold, yet aesthetically pleasing audio systems into venues ranging from small conference rooms through to places of worship.
Traditionally commercial audio was quite rudimentary and in its simplest form still is, however technology has come along way. Modern Digital Sound Processing (DSP), Microphones, Amplification and Speakers now provide a platform to reproduce a level of sound quality that we are quickly growing accustomed to in the digital audio realm.
If your venue is a public building? We can work with you to ensure it has a hearing augmentation system that complies with requirements under the Building Code Australia. From Auditoriums through to ticket booths we have a hearing augmentation solution to suit your requirements.
Taylor Sound and Video specialises in small to medium size venues such as Auditoriums, Places of Worship, Lecture Theatres, Conference Centres, Halls, Hotels, Restaurants, Cafe's, Gymnasiums, Retail and Public Buildings.